JL Franklin
JL Franklin
I want to work with ambitious creatives who have a desire to reach new heights and want to grow in the process. If you're serious about moving forward with showcasing your talent, reach out via Kav, IG and/or my website, but I prefer you call (see Info tab on website for #). Texting and emailing are fine, but for me, time is always of the essence and I like nothing more than to hear a voice every now and then!
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JL Franklin's editorials
Issue n°13 - Venerdi cover ▼ | Editorial "For the Love of Light" Chelsi Vanderpol - JL Franklin ▼ | Issue n°13 - Venerdi backcover ▼ |

JL Franklin's web sites
"It's always interesting to me #marylandmodels, #modelsearch, #marylandfashion, #dmvfashion, #dmvmodelsneeded, #dmvmodelcall,#dcmodelcall, #dcmodelsearch, #aspiringmodels, #ncmodelsearch, #raleighmodels, #ncmodels, #creativesofcarolina, #mdmodelcall, #dcmodelcall, #vamodel, #vamodels, #757model, #757models, #rvamodel, #rvamodels, #virginiamodel, #virginiamodels, @elliechristiansenportfolioet beautiful people who posses levels of energy that magically align with yours and when the two are merged, wonderful images can be created. I really enjoyed working with Ellie. Her gracefulness on set won't be forgotten."
"Ellie's idea to think Complementary was a major factor in the success of this image; a clear reflection of other ways the model can bring creativity to the set. #marylandmodels, #modelsearch, #marylandfashion, #dmvfashion, #dmvmodelsneeded, #dmvmodelcall,#dcmodelcall, #dcmodelsearch, #aspiringmodels, #ncmodelsearch, #raleighmodels, #ncmodels, #creativesofcarolina, #mdmodelcall, #dcmodelcall, #vamodel, #vamodels, #757model, #757models, #rvamodel, #rvamodels, #virginiamodel, #virginiamodels, @elliechristiansenportfolio"
"Suit in a Jump - '22 #marylandmodels, #modelsearch, #marylandfashion, #dmvfashion, #dmvmodelsneeded, #dmvmodelcall,#dcmodelcall, #dcmodelsearch, #aspiringmodels, #ncmodelsearch, #raleighmodels, #ncmodels, #creativesofcarolina, #mdmodelcall, #dcmodelcall, #vamodel, #vamodels, #757model, #757models, #rvamodel, #rvamodels, #virginiamodel, #virginiamodels, @theartistagency, @vigourmagazine, @bazaarvietnam, @gmaromagazine"
"Sheer in the Jump - '22 #marylandmodels, #modelsearch, #marylandfashion, #dmvfashion, #dmvmodelsneeded, #dmvmodelcall,#dcmodelcall, #dcmodelsearch, #aspiringmodels, #ncmodelsearch, #raleighmodels, #ncmodels, #creativesofcarolina, #mdmodelcall, #dcmodelcall, #vamodel, #vamodels, #757model, #757models, #rvamodel, #rvamodels, #virginiamodel, #virginiamodels, @kikiiii1995"
"Hey T, you gotta stop this! It's getting ridiculous. It seems like every time you and the Team get together on assignment, you guys kill it. Here's another one for the books. The full image is even better. #marylandmodels, #modelsearch, #marylandfashion, #dmvfashion, #dmvmodelsneeded, #dmvmodelcall,#dcmodelcall, #dcmodelsearch, #aspiringmodels, #ncmodelsearch, #raleighmodels, #ncmodels, #creativesofcarolina, #mdmodelcall, #dcmodelcall, #vamodel, #vamodels, #757model, #757models, #rvamodel, #rvamodels, #virginiamodel, #virginiamodels, @misstrena_e, @javontyrese"
"A Bundle of Energy is the only way to describe Ellie. We've got to find a way to do another shoot real soon. Keep it roll'n girl. #marylandmodels, #modelsearch, #marylandfashion, #dmvfashion, #dmvmodelsneeded, #dmvmodelcall,#dcmodelcall, #dcmodelsearch, #aspiringmodels, #ncmodelsearch, #raleighmodels, #ncmodels, #creativesofcarolina, #mdmodelcall, #dcmodelcall, #vamodel, #vamodels, #757model, #757models, #rvamodel, #rvamodels, #virginiamodel, #virginiamodels, @elliechristiansenportfolio"
"T is on a roll! It's interesting the thoughts that prevailed during this shoot. Time travel is the only way to sum it up. #marylandmodels, #modelsearch, #marylandfashion, #dmvfashion, #dmvmodelsneeded, #dmvmodelcall,#dcmodelcall, #dcmodelsearch, #aspiringmodels, #ncmodelsearch, #raleighmodels, #ncmodels, #creativesofcarolina, #mdmodelcall, #dcmodelcall, #vamodel, #vamodels, #757model, #757models, #rvamodel, #rvamodels, #virginiamodel, #virginiamodels, @misstrena_e, @javontyrese"
"The magnificent Ellie Christiansen made a cover! It was wonderful working with her."