Zilan Duru
Zilan Duru
Management: @ebruacartalent
Management: @ebruacartalent
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Zilan Duru's editorials
Issue n°12 - Squillo cover ▼ | Editorial "Turkish Actress Zilan Duru" Zilan Duru - Bahadır Kuyucu ▼ | Issue n°12 - Squillo backcover ▼ |
Zilan Duru's web sites
"🤍 Photo by for @bonne_vie_dergisi & @bestlifemagazin"
"Vérifié GENERAL COORDINATOR: Zişan Seçkin @zisanseckin INTERVIEW: Dilay Seçkin @dilaysjoker PHOTOGRAPH: Bahadır Kuyucu @bahadirkuyucu MAKE-UP: Cüneyt Seven @cuneytseven HAIR STYLING: Sabit Akkaya @sabitakkaya VIDEOGRAPHI: Ünal Avcı @unalavcii STYLING: Katerina @istylebul @sophie.reviens HAIR STYLING ASSISTANT: Erdem Sucu @erdemhairdresser LOCATION: Look Studio @lookphotostudio @talpa_org"
"Keyifli bir röportajla @laurentiusofficial Ağustos sayısındayım 🌼 Fotoğraf: @nazgulerrrr Röportaj : @oznurkaymakk Mua: Styling: @woma_store_ Lokasyon: @amayaistanbul"
"Vérifié Sen hep orada ol 🖤 @monicabellucciofficiel"
"Thanks for this wonderful night and the award 💫"
"Vérifié International Blue Moon Awards gecesinde “Meslek Başarı” ödülünü aldım.. “Kadına Şiddete Hayır” konulu bu özel günde ödül almak gurur verici. Dilerim ki kadınların adını sadece ve sadece başarılı ve güzel haberlerde okuruz… Emeği geçen herkese teşekkürler.. 💫"
"“And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.” - H. Murakami"
"“You're so hard on yourself. Take a moment. Sit back. Marvel at your life: at the grief that softened you, at the heartache that made you wiser, at the suffering that strengthened you. Despite everything you still grow. Be proud of this. // Bridgette Bardot Special thanks for: @muratsanliphotographer"